
Data extraction


This API provides all available items in the TraceParts database, as an export file.


This web service requires an API Key. Please use the form to request your API Key.


The API returns a CSV file, available in a ZIP file, for different available items in the TraceParts database. The different items are different “levels” of data that one can have from the list of available catalogs until all the part numbers related to a catalog.

Building a URL

The SynchronizationData API request takes the following form:


Certain parameters are required while others are optional. As it is standard in URLs, all parameters are separated using the ampersand (&) character. The list of parameters and their possible values are enumerated below.

Required parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDefault ValueDescription
ApiKeystringnoneCode calling an API to track and control how the API is used
FormatstringnoneAnswer file type (xml, json or csv)
LanguagestringenLanguageID given by the LanguagesList API

1 = Catalogs
2 = Categories
3 = Products
4 = Product Categories
5 = Part Numbers (for ClassificationId with ClassType= 2, 3 or 5)
8 = Supplier contacts

Versioninteger1Version of the answer

Optional parameters

Parameter NameData typeDefault valueDescription
UserEmailstringnoneUser email / User ID
httpsboolean0URL returned in the answer will use the https protocol
CatalogIDstringnoneClassificationId given by the CatalogsList API
ClassPathstringnonePath given by the CategoriesList API
PartIdstringnonePartId given by the ProductsList API
CatalogsContentTypestringnoneFilters the catalogs list depending on the content of their products (“2D”, “3D”, “DOC”) / Only available for DataType=1
SupplierInfoboolean0Provides (value = 1) the label and the description of the supplier
SystemBOMboolean0Provides (value = 1) internal TraceParts system BOM. These informations are based on the configuration and not provided by the supplier of the data
IncludeDefaultLanguageboolean0Provides (value = 1) the results with the default language defined by the data supplier if there is no results with the requested languageID.

Example of SynchronizationData API

The request below returns the few part numbers as a CSV file with an English content, for the PNEUMADYNE catalog.{ApiKey}&https=1&Version=2

By changing the Format and adding the ActiveJsonLight, CategoriesList returns all categories of the Accuride International catalog, as a light Json file.{ApiKey}&https=1

SynchronizationData responses

SynchronizationData responses are returned in the format indicated by the Format parameter within the URL request’s path.

CSV Output

A sample HTTP request is shown below, displaying some of the available data.

PartNumberProductFamilyIdDesignSelectionPathSelectionPath2DSelectionPath3DCAD model

SynchronizationData response elements

SynchronizationData responses contain different elements related to the DataType:

DataType: 1 (Catalogs)

  • “CatalogId”: TraceParts ID for the catalog. It is 33 characters maximum (A through Z, 0 through 9 and – and _ ).
  • “Name”: label of the catalog depending on the language.
  • “Published”: date (ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD) of the first publication of the first product of the catalog.
  • “Updated”: date (ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD) of the last update of a product of the catalog.
  • “ClassType”: type of catalog. You can filter or order the catalogs with this type (1: general catalogs with several suppliers | 2: supplier catalogs | 3: dedicated classifications for a specific customer | 4: user classification | 5: catalogs of institute for standardization.
  • “SupplierName”: label of the catalog.
  • “SupplierDescription”: description of the catalog.

DataType: 2 (Categories)

  • “ClassPath”: structure of the classification tree. Each level of the tree is defined by an ID and separated by a “/” character.
  • “CatalogId”: TraceParts ID for the catalog. It is 33 characters maximum (A through Z, 0 through 9 and – and _ ).
  • “Title”: label of the classification’s level.
  • “Picture”: (optional) image file related to the classification’s level. The height is 80 pixels and the maximum width is 108 pixels.
  • “Description”: (optional) description related to the classification’s level.
  • “Level”: level inside the tree. The root of the tree has the number 1.
  • “PathCaption”: breadcrumb of the classification.

DataType: 3 (Products)

  • “ProductFamilyId”: it is the TraceParts product ID. A product can be a collection of several part numbers or a single one. The choice is made by the supplier of the data.
  • “Title”: label of the product. A product can be only one part number or a collection of part numbers.
  • “Description”: short description of the product, with a maximum size of 255 characters.
  • “LongDescription”: long description of the product, with a maximum size of 2,000 characters.
  • “ManufacturerID”: TraceParts ID for the supplier. It is 33 characters maximum (A through Z, 0 through 9 and – and _ ).
  • “StandardsIDs”: list of standards by which the product is based.
  • “Version”: TraceParts version of the product. This version is updated as soon as a change is done in the product data.
  • “UpdateDate”: last updated date of the product (ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD).

DataType: 4 (Product Categories)

  • “ProductFamilyId”: TraceParts product ID. A product can be a collection of several part numbers or a single one. The choice is made by the supplier of the data.
  • “ClassPath”: structure of the classification tree. Each level of the tree is defined by an ID and separated by a “/” character.

DataType: 5 (Part Numbers)

  • “PartNumber”: part number as provided by the supplier.
    “ProductFamilyId”: TraceParts product ID. A product can be a collection of several part numbers or a single one. The choice is made by the supplier of the data.
  • “Design”: (optional) information, given by the supplier of the data, which provides the description of a part number.
  • “SelectionPath”: sequence of IDs which configures a product to produce a unique result.
  • “SelectionPath2D”: sequence of IDs which configures a product to produce a unique result, for 2D CAD format. The list of parameters can be different, depending on the CAD usage context.
  • “SelectionPath3D”: sequence of IDs which configures a product to produce a unique result, for 3D CAD format. The list of parameters can be different, depending on the CAD usage context.
  • “CADmodel”: boolean to “1” when there is a CAD file associated to the Part Number. If there is not, the boolean is set to “0”.

DataType: 8 (Supplier contacts)

  • “CatalogId”: TraceParts ID for the catalog. It is 33 characters maximum (A through Z, 0 through 9 and – and _ ).
  • “SupplierName”: Label of the catalog
  • “SupplierAddress”: postal address with all fields concatenated
  • “SupplierAddressFieldCompany”: company name of the postal address
  • “SupplierAddressFieldAddress1”: field #1 of the postal address
  • “SupplierAddressFieldAddress2”: Field #2 of the postal address
  • “SupplierAddressFieldAddress3”: field #3 of the postal address
  • “SupplierAddressFieldCity”: city of the postal address
  • “SupplierAddressFieldZipCode”: ZIP code of the postal address
  • “SupplierAddressFieldCountry”: country of the postal address
  • “SupplierAddressFieldProvince”: province of the postal address (e.g.: the state for the USA)
  • “SupplierAddressFieldISOCountryCode”: ISO code of the country
  • “Phones”: phone number
  • “Fax”: fax number
  • “SupplierEmail”: Email address
  • “SupplierWebSite”: Website

Developer support

Please contact us for any problem, question or comment related to this content integration.

Last updated October 26, 2017