Part number availability
New endpoint available: PartNumber/Availability
The PartNumberAvailability API tells you if the combination of catalog/part number is available inside TraceParts database. The catalog and part number that you call will be evaluated in our database of aliases to match with any existing variant
This web service requires an API Key. Please use the form to request your API Key.
The API returns if the part number exists on TraceParts. In this case, will be returned the TraceParts CatalogID, the TraceParts ProductID and the part number.
Building a URL
The PartNumberAvailability API request takes the following form:
Certain parameters are required while others are optional. As it is standard in URLs, all parameters are separated using the ampersand (&) character. The list of parameters and their possible values are enumerated below.
Required parameters
Parameter Name | Data type | Default value | Description |
ApiKey | string | none | Code calling an API to track and control how the API is used |
Format | string | none | Answer file type (xml, json) |
Catalog | string | none | Catalog label as you have in your own data |
PartNumber | string | none | Part Number as you have in your own data |
Optional parameters
Parameter Name | Data type | Default value | Description |
UserEmail | string | none | User email / User ID |
ActiveJsonLight | boolean | 0 | Enables the light version when json is the answer file type |
SearchPNAliases | boolean | 0 | 1: Remove punctuation of the input partnumber before comparison |
PartNumberDetails | boolean | 0 | 1: Give the version of the PartID and the SelectionPath related to the part number |
Example of PartNumberAvailability API
The request below returns the TraceParts information related to a former label of a catalog with a part number non written as wanted by the supplier of the data.{ApiKey}
By changing the Format and adding the ActiveJsonLight, PartNumberAvailability returns the data as a light Json file.{ApiKey}
PartNumberAvailability responses
PartNumberAvailability responses are returned in the format indicated by the Format parameter within the URL request’s path.
JSON Output
A sample HTTP request is shown below, displaying the information related to the available part number.
XML Output
Same example as above.
PartNumberAvailability response elements
PartNumberAvailability responses contain four elements:
- “Availability”: true or false if the PartNumber is available or not on the TraceParts database.
- “ClassificationId”: TraceParts ID for the catalog. It is 33 characters maximum (A through Z, 0 through 9 and – and _ ).
- “PartId”: It is the TraceParts product ID. A product can be a collection of several part numbers, or a single one. The choice is made by the supplier of the data.
- “PartNumber”: part number without any special characters, ignored by TraceParts for the search feature (” “,”-“,”.”,”/”,”+”).
- “SelectionPath”: sequence of parameters which defines a unique configuration for one given product.
- “Version”: TraceParts version of the product. This version is updated as soon as a change is done in the product data.
Developer support
Please contact us for any problem, question or comment related to this content integration.
Last updated March 14, 2018
Updated about 2 months ago