
Data related to a part number


New endpoint available: Product/Configure


This API provides all data related to a part number, such as the thumbnail, the Bill Of Materials, the CAD file, the supplier contact details, etc.


This web service requires an API Key. Please use the form to request your API Key.


The API returns all available data for a specific part number for one given product. The list of items provided depends on the information given by the supplier. TraceParts cannot guarantee that the desired information will be available.

Building a URL

The PartNumberData API request takes the following form:


Certain parameters are required while others are optional. As it is standard in URLs, all parameters are separated using the ampersand (&) character. The list of parameters and their possible values are enumerated below.

Required parameters

Parameter NameData typeDefault valueDescription
ApiKeystringnoneCode calling an API to track and control how the API is used
FormatstringnoneAnswer file type (xml, json)
PartID*stringnonePartID given by the SynchronizationData API
ClassificationID**stringnoneClassificationId given by the CatalogsList API
PartNumber**stringnonePart Number as it is exactly written in the TraceParts database
LanguagestringenLanguageID given by the LanguagesList API
Versioninteger1Version of the answer

Optional parameters

Parameter NameData typeDefault valueDescription
UserEmailstringnoneUser email / User ID
ActiveJsonLightboolean0Enables the light version when json is the answer file type
httpsboolean0URL returned in the answer will use the https protocol
SelectionPath*stringnoneSelectionPath given by the SynchronizationData API
CADFormatIDintegernoneCADFormatID given by the CADFormatsList API
HtmlFormatinteger0Activates the html formatting of the optional description related to the part number
CurrentStepNumberintegernoneReturns the parameter(s) for a specific configuration step
GroupedStepsboolean0Returns the configuration parameters from all steps

*Both parameters (PartID and SelectionPath) have to be used together. In this case, the couple “ClassificationID” and “PartNumber” is not to use.
** Both parameters (ClassificationID and PartNumber) have to be used together. In this case, the couple “PartID” and “SelectionPath” is not to use.

Example of PartNumberData API

The request below returns all items related to a part number as a Json file, with an English content, for the part number 25F of the PNEUMADYNE catalog.|5|5|5|&Language=en&CADFormatId=2&format=json&ApiKey={ApiKey}&https=1&Version=8

PartNumberData responses

PartNumberData responses are returned in the format indicated by the Format parameter within the URL request’s path.

JSON Output

The HTTP request is shown below, displaying the CAD files.

"detailLevels": {
"currentLevel": "",
"detailLevelsList": []
"globalInfo": {
"partInfo": {
"selectionPath": "5|5|5|5|",
"currentStep": "1",
"nbStep": "1",
"titlePart": "Reducer Bushing Threaded Fittings",
"description": "",
"longDescription": "A variety of configurations including Adapters, Bulkheads, Couplings, Elbows, Tees and Plugs are offered with thread sizes ranging from 10-32 UNF to 1/2 NPT. Our popular captured o-ring seal is standard on fittings with 10-32 & 1/4-28 UNF threads and provides a superior seal ensuring a leak resistant fitting. \nThe Pneumadyne Advantage\n•\tDurable brass construction\n•\tThread sizes range from 10-32 UNF to 1/2 NPT\n•\tElectroless nickel plated for corrosion resistance (not standard on all configurations)\n•\tPrecision machined\n•\tCaptured o-ring design provides a superior seal\n•\tTapered 10-32 thread produces a seal similar to pipe thread \nContact Pneumadyne to design and manufacture custom products that will fit your specific application requirements.",
"partPictureUrl": "",
"viewer3DPath": "",
"viewer3DIsAvailable": "True",
"manufacturerID": "PNEUMADYNE",
"manufacturerName": "PNEUMADYNE",
"manufacturerPictureUrl": "",
"dedicatedDocument": "False",
"version": "1.2.0",
"updateDate": "2017-04-05 22:00:00Z",
"_3DPrintIsAvailable": "True"
"manufacturerInfo": {
"description": "Pneumadyne, Inc. is a leading ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturer of pneumatic components and pneumatic control systems. Designed and manufactured in the USA, our directional control valves, fittings, manifolds, air nozzles and custom products are relied upon for fluid control throughout a wide-variety of industries",
"emails": "",
"webSites": "",
"webSitesUrl": "",
"address": "Pneumadyne, Inc.<br/>14425 23rd Avenue North<br/>Plymouth, MN 55447-4706,<br/>United States of America"
"configurationErrors": []
"selectorListWithoutCAD": [],
"documentList": {
"partFamilyDocumentList": [
"title": "Catalog Information",
"type": "HTML",
"url": ""
"technicalDocumentList": [],
"categoryDocumentList": []
"cadFormatList": [
"cadFormatId": 2,
"cadFormatName": "Acis 6.3",
"deliveryMethod": 1
"cadFormatId": 11,
"cadFormatName": "AutoCAD (DWG 13) - 2D",
"deliveryMethod": 1
"cadFormatId": 37,
"cadFormatName": "DXF 13 - 3D",
"deliveryMethod": 1
"cadFormatId": 19,
"cadFormatName": "STEP AP214",
"deliveryMethod": 1
"bomFields": [
"label": "Manufacturer",
"value": "PNEUMADYNE",
"symbol": "SUPPLIER"
"label": "Description",
"value": "Reducer Bushing Threaded Fittings, Male Thread: 1/8 NPT (F), Female Thread: 10-32 (F)",
"symbol": "DESIGN"
"label": "Part Number",
"value": "25F",
"symbol": "REFERENCE"
"configuratorList": [
"table": {
"stepInfo": {
"configuratorType": "Table",
"currentStep": "1",
"selector": "5"
"fieldTableList": [
"valuesFieldTable": [
"Part Number",
"Male Thread",
"Female Threads",
"valuesFieldTable": [
"1/4-28 UNF (M)",
"10-32 (F)",
"valuesFieldTable": [
"1/16 NPT (M)",
"10-32 (F)",
"valuesFieldTable": [
"1/8 NPT (M)",
"10-32 (F)",
"valuesFieldTable": [
"1/8 NPT (M)",
"1/16 NPT (F)",
"valuesFieldTable": [
"1/8 NPT (F)",
"10-32 (F)",

PartNumberData response elements

PartNumberData responses always have the following sequence of answers:


  • “ConfigurationErrors”: if you build your own configurator, this element reports all errors and offers an optional message with the way to fix it.


  • “Version”: TraceParts version of the product. This version is updated as soon as a change is done in the product data.
    “UpdateDate”: last updated date of the product (ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD).
  • “TitlePart”: label of the product.
  • “Description”: short explanation of the product (maximum of 255 characters).
  • “LongDescription”: long explanation of the product. Depending on the parameter “HtmlFormat”, it can contain some html markup.
  • “PartPictureUrl”: URL to the biggest thumbnail available on the TraceParts database. The maximum height is 340 pixels and the maximum width is 460 pixels.
  • “NbStep”: total number of configuration steps.
  • “CurrentStep”: number of the current step in the configuration process.
  • “SelectionPath”: sequence of parameters which defines a unique configuration for one given product.
  • “DedicatedDocument”: “true” when there is no available CAD model.
  • “Viewer3DIsAvailable”: “true” if a 3D preview can be requested for this configuration.
  • “Viewer3DPath”: path to the CAD file used for the 3D viewer (displayed if ActivePreview = 1 and if CAD format ID is available).
  • “_3DPrintIsAvailable”: “true” if the configuration allows to be 3D print by a partner of TraceParts. Please contact TraceParts for more explanation
  • “ManufacturerID”: TraceParts ID for the supplier. It is 33 characters maximum (A through Z, 0 through 9 and – and _ ).
  • “ManufacturerName”: label of the catalog, depending on the language.
  • “ManufacturerPictureUrl”: URL of the bigger supplier logo on the TraceParts database. The height is 40 pixels and the maximum width is 316 pixels.


  • “Address”: supplier’s postal address, formatted with html balises, as requested by the supplier.
  • “Description”: description of the supplier.
  • “Emails”: contact email address.
  • “WebSites”: supplier’s web site.
  • “WebSitesUrl”: URL to the supplier’s web site.


Two types of configurators can be used: “Table” or “Grid”. Depending on the display chose by the supplier, the element will be different. Each configuration step can use one or the other.


  • “ConfiguratorType”: “Table”, “Grid” or “DynamicGrid”. For “Table”, all the data are sent as a table with the name(s) of the column(s) as first. For “Grid” and “DynamicGrid”, the information of the type of parameter are sent before the list of values. For the “DynamicGrid”, the list of parameters or values are related to the current choice
  • “CurrentStep”: current step of configuration between the number of steps given by “NbStep”
  • “Selector”: only available of the “Table” ConfigurationType. It gives the selected row by using the “Selector” value


  • “FieldTableList”: provides the collection of valuesFieldTable for each row.
  • “ValuesFieldTable”: the first collection lists the title of each column (the “Selector” column is the ID of the row and must be hidden). The next collections list the values for each column, from the first row until the last one. The sorting is the default one, chosen by the supplier of the catalog.


  • “FieldGridList”: provides the collection of ValuesFieldGrid, label, symbol and type for each drop list.
  • “type”: building of each line. The building definition could have four values (eFormatTypeText | eFormatTypeInteger | eFormatTypeReal | eFormatTypeBox | eFormatTypeRealBox).
  • “symbol”: ID of the parameter for the current product.
  • “label”: label of the parametert.
  • “ValuesFieldTable”: informations for each values. See below the informations depending on the Type.

     eFormatTypeText (list of strings)
        “Index”: index sort order of the list.
        “Value”: internal value of the line (no need to send this value thru the URL).

     eFormatTypeInteger (list of integers)
        “Index”: index sort order of the list.
        “Value”: internal value of the line. It is sent to the configurator via the URL, UTF-8 encoded: URL + “&Grid=1” + “&CB_” + symbol + “=” + value.

     eFormatTypeReal (list of reals)
        “Index”: index sort order of the list.
        “Value”: internal value of the line (no need to send this value thru the URL).
        “HelpLabel”: text to display to help the user (optional).

     eFormatTypeBox (free text box)
        “Index”: index sort order of the list.
        “Value”: internal value of the line. It is sent to the configurator via the URL, UTF-8 encoded: URL + “&Grid=1” + “&CB_” + symbol + “=” + value.
        “Label”: label of the value to display.
        “Selected”: set to “selected” when the current configuration, given by the SelectionPath, is linked to this choice. If it is not set, then the element is empty.

     eFormatTypeRealBox (list of reals where a free text can also be used)
        “Index”: index sort order of the list.
        “Value”: internal value of the line. It is sent to the configurator via the URL, UTF-8 encoded: URL + “&Grid=1” + “&CB*” + symbol + “=” + value (replace CB* by TXT_ in case of free text).
        “Label”: label of the value to display.
        “Selected”: set to “selected” when the current configuration, given by the SelectionPath, is linked to this choice. If it is not set, then the element is empty.
        “HelpLabel”: text to display to help the user (optional).


  • “Symbol”: ID of the BOM attribute
  • “Label”: label of the BOM attribute
  • “Value”: value of the BOM attribute
  • “Type”: type of the BOM attribute (text, Link.EShop, Link.WebPage, Link.Video,…)



  • “Title”: label of the document.
  • “Type”: kind of document (gif, jpeg, pdf…).
  • “Url”: URL to the document.


  • “Title”: label of the document.
  • “Type”: kind of document (gif, jpeg, pdf…).
  • “Url”: URL to the document.


  • “Title”: label of the document.
  • “Type”: kind of document (gif, jpeg, pdf…).
  • “Url”: URL to the document.


  • “Index”: “Selector” value of the configuration(s) without CAD file.


  • “CurrentLevel”: selected level ID of detail of the CAD model.


  • “Level”: ID of the level of detail.
  • “Label”: label of the level of detail.


  • “CADFormatId”: defined by TraceParts, usable with other APIs.
  • “CADFormatName”: label of the CAD format, written in the current language.
  • “DeliveryMethod”: way of CAD file delivering. 1: URL to the file | 2: URL to a web page for the selection of the file | 3: Command for Fusion 360 to open the file in the CAD software.


  • “Type”: type of link (WebPage, ExternalFile, EShop, CADRequest, Video, Certification, Catalog, ProductPage, …).
  • “Label”: label of the link, written in the current language.
  • “Value”: URL of the link.

Developer support

Please contact us for any problem, question or comment related to this content integration.

Last updated July 9, 2019