3D viewing & CAD Download
The upgrade from Web Services to API Gateway is possible for the clients and the partners using not more than the following Web Services:
- LanguagesList
- PartNumberAvailability
- CheckLogin
- UserRegistration
- CADFormatsList
- CADDataAvailability
- DownloadCADPath
The URL for the 3D viewer web component also has to be reworked.
The API Gateway is more secure than the Web Services. Your access token, valid for 24 hours, to use with all API endpoints, is generated thanks to the RequestToken endpoint.
The following required parameters need to be to filled to produce a token:
- tenantUid (provided by TraceParts)
- apiKey (provided by TraceParts)
The Authorization key is built following the Bearer scheme: Bearer {token}
List of Languages
To receive the data in the language you want, you must know the list of languages available in the TraceParts API Gateway, with their related cultureInfo.
The SupportedLanguages endpoint replaced the LanguagesList Web Service.
Because the list of languages and their related cultureInfo values do not often change, we suggest updating this list only when you have to request a new token.
Availability of a part number
If you need to know if the data related to a part number is in the TraceParts database, you probably used the PartNumberAvailability Web Service.
This former call is now replaced by two endpoints, depending on the data available on your side:
- If your unique code, SKU, ID or equivalent is not the public part number, also visible in the TraceParts database, you have to use the YourOwnCode/Availability endpoint. It returns the necessary attributes for the usage of the other API endpoints. The mapping between your code and the right data in the TraceParts database is managed by this endpoint.
- If you use the public part number to check the availability of the data in the TraceParts database, you have to use the PartNumber/Availability endpoint. This endpoint can adapt (with the removeChar parameter) the part number string, to expand the chance to have a match. In this case, the response time is longer than when the search is done with an exact match. Please use the removeChar Boolean when you are not 100% sure the part number is exactly stored the same way between your data and the TraceParts data.
We suggest caching the responses, related to each request, for 24 hours.
List of CAD formats
The former CADFormatsList and CADDataAvailability Web Services can now be managed with the Product/CadDataAvailability endpoint.
The list of CAD formats is related to the data returned by YourOwnCode/Availability or PartNumber/Availability, because each configuration, each part number, can have a specific list of CAD formats. The cadFormatName value is related to the cultureInfo.
Depending on the deliveryMethod related to each cadFormatId, the response of the Product/cadFileUrl might have different content. Please see the details in the documentation.
We suggest caching the list of CAD formats, related to each configuration, each part number, for 24 hours.
We also suggest sorting the list of CAD formats on the cadFormatName values instead of the cadFormatId.
Display of the 3D viewer
The URL of the 3D viewer and the options of the 3D viewer did not change with the upgrade, but we highly recommend to use the values partFamilyCode and selectionPath, returned by the YourOwnCode/Availability or PartNumber/Availability endpoints, to set the 3D viewer, to be sure you display the right 3D view.
- The partFamilyCode has to be set on the “Product” parameter of the 3D viewer query string.
- The selectionPath has to be set on the “SelectionPath” parameter of the 3D viewer query string.
User account to link to the download event
Any download event, initiated with Product/cadRequest, must be associated to a user account.
To replace the former CheckLogin and UserRegistration Web Services, you can respectively use Account/CheckLogin and Account/SignUp.
Download of a CAD file
The Product/cadRequest and Product/cadFileUrl endpoints both replace the former DownloadCADPath Web Service.
The first Product/cadRequest endpoint returns a request ID in order to check the statuses of the file generation and to receive the URL, depending on the deliveryMethod (see Product/CadDataAvailability).
As for the 3D viewer, we highly recommend to use the values partFamilyCode and selectionPath, returned by the YourOwnCode/Availability or PartNumber/Availability endpoints, in addition of the required parameters listed in the documentation.
With the integer returns set as cadFormatId, the Product/cadFileUrl endpoint returns the URL following the deliveryMethod, when the HTTP status is 200.
When the HTTP status is 204, the file generation is still in progress and another call is necessary to get the URL.
Developer support
Please contact us for any problem, question or comment related to this content integration.
Updated about 2 months ago